A Christmas Muse….

Seems shepherds always get the worst of it….


Seems shepherds always get the worst of it….

Called hillsides and rocky barren places. Sheep and sheep and more sheet and sleepless nights counting them.

No camels to ride or gifts to bear, no wisdom either just second-hand news.


Seems shepherds always get the worst of it….

Bathrobes and tea towels and the back of the stage singing one line.

Let us go to Bethlehem and see you this thing that has been made known to us.

No tinsel on glitter or golden wings.


Seems shepherds always get the worst of it….

Minimum wages and zero hours contracts.

No pension plan or savings account no respect either.

Just systemic injustice that keeps them in their lowly places.


Seems they had something in common with the baby they visited.

Later, he would call himself a shepherd.

Later, he would lay aside his wants for the needs of his sheep.

Later, he would say if you love me you will feed my lambs.

In the face of the worst, he would give his best.

Sure there is wisdom.

There is glory it without the gold.

And there is hope that there will be justice for those who always seem to get the worst of it..