Our minister retired recently so we are seeking a minister to join Orkney’s Team Ministry to serve principally in St Magnus Cathedral, and also to serve the four very small island communities of Flotta, Rousay, Egilsay and Wyre.
The parish profile can be found here.
The congregational magazine Grapevine is published three or four times per year. This provides a range of interesting articles about life as part of the cathedral congregation together with news of recent and upcoming events.
Taking Part
There are many opportunities for people to become involved in the life of the Cathedral in addition to worship. You may wish to help run our Sunday Services by volunteering to read the lesson, welcoming worshippers or helping with admin tasks like counting the offering.
Good fellowship can be found in the Pastoral Group, the Friendship Group, the Guild and the choir.
You may like to become involved in greeting visitors by volunteering at the St Magnus Centre in the summer months. We would also welcome you as a Bell Ringer or as a deliverer of the Cathedral magazine or a collector for Christian Aid.
To volunteer please contact the minister, chairperson of the St Magnus Centre or anyone on duty on a Sunday Morning.
Offerings and Donations
Donations are collected during the main service each Sunday. Many people now chose to donate using bank standing orders and we welcome and encourage people to give in this way. Those people who are tax payers may also, if eligible, chose to make use of the Gift Aid Scheme which allows the church to reclaim tax from HMRC and so boost donations by 25%. Gift Aid envelopes for use by visitors are available at the west end of the Cathedral before the service. Further details can be found here.
Annual Accounts
Our accounts and any commentary for previous calendar years are published here at the same time as they are sent to the Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator (OSCR).